The following Public Holidays are recognised by Milestone Academy (although these may be amended from time to time);     




Jan 1 |   New Year Day
Jan 12 |   Zanzibar Revolution Day
Moveable Date |   Maulid Day
Moveable Date |   Good Friday
Moveable Date |   Easter Monday
April 7th |   Karume Day
Movable Dates |   Eid al Fitri
April 26 |   Union Day
May 1 |   Workers’ Day
Movable Date |   Date Eid El Hajj
Jul 7 |   Saba Saba (International Trade Fair)
Aug 8 |   Farmer’s Day (Peasants Day)
Oct 14 |   Mwalimu Nyerere Day
Dec 9 |   Independence Day
Dec 25 |   Christmas Day
Dec 26 |   Boxing Day


Apart from highlighting the academic success of the students, Milestones Academy will also focus on enhancing attributes which will make our students stand out tomorrow. To do so, we will develop EAGLES as per our emblem. We will assess development of our EAGLES in the following areas of academic and personal development:


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