The staff will be held fully accountable to teach, monitor and supervise learning.Students will be held accountable to their class assignments, their homework and to learn. They are expected to work to exceed expectations. Parents and sponsors are responsible to support their children at home so that the school meets its program objectives. A key responsivity for parents and sponsors is the accountability of paying school tuition and fees on time.
The school year is divided into 2 terms with 5 full teaching days focused on Reading, Writing, Counting, Arts and Religion. To build on these principles, the students will learn specialized topics including Social studies, Health and Environment and Science and Technology.
Homework serves to re-inforce understanding and facilitates practice of what was covered in class. Students are responsible to complete all the homework given to them, to participate in homework review sessions and complete their work on time. To succeed, students are advised to have quality time and space
Parents play an important role in the education of their children and have a responsibility to support the efforts of school staff in maintaining a safe and respectful learning environment for all students. Parents fulfill this responsibility when they:
At Milestones tests are given as scheduled so as to determine students’ skills on a continual basis.
- Tests will be scheduled and will be graded to reflect the level of understanding of the student and their progress in the curricula material.
- All tests should be completed as they contribute to the end of term progress report.
- It is important to note that cheating will not be tolerated. Should a student be found to be cheating or copying other students work, will result in serious measures being taken by the school.
- Milestones Academy student services include:
- Academic administrators
- School nurse
- School Library and Computer Center
- Canteen serving breakfast and lunch
- School busing
- Bookstore
- Uniform store
- Extra curricular activities: Swimming and Field Sports, Music, Computer, Scouts, Girl guides, UCMAS, Leader In Me(LIM), Taekwa-ndo, Art, Dance, Drama, Reading and Debate clubs.