A library is an important source of knowledge to our pupils and it develops the important habit of reading among the students. Every class has a classroom library. The library programs encourage confidence in reading skills and learning, which is fundamental to learning, personal growth, and enjoyment.

  1. Daily morning reading: Through the classroom libraries all kids who come early before lessons start, they get time to read books.
  2. The Reading Challenge: Kids are challenged to read for fun many books. The children have shown so much enthusiasm in the reading challenge and we continuously encourage them to read as many books as they can.
  3. Listening to a story: Story time session is a popular event in our library.
  4. Watching movies: Our kids get time to watch different children’s videos, there is also screening of popular cartoons and encouraging kids to discuss what they’ve watched and the theme.
  5. Playing games: Our library also has run board games like chess, puzzles which are a great way for kids to understand different ways of solving problems.
  6. Comprehension: Kids are also encouraged to write summary of what they read from a book.


Apart from highlighting the academic success of the students, Milestones Academy will also focus on enhancing attributes which will make our students stand out tomorrow. To do so, we will develop EAGLES as per our emblem. We will assess development of our EAGLES in the following areas of academic and personal development:
