Milestones Academy is a co-educational, private Pre and Primary day school, using English as the medium of instruction.The school endeavors to recruit qualified teachers whom we motivate and also evaluate through a performance appraisal system. We also do our best to provide sufficient and effective teaching materials. Good student behaviour is enforced at Milestones as it is an essential part of good education. We prepare students for a lifetime of learning, by providing an enriched Necta curriculum to take students through the educational milestones of their Pre and Primary education.
Underlined with the Montessori and Cambridge principles, our NECTA plus curricular provides a strong academic foundation and allows room for each child to explore extra curricula interests that develop their individual interests . Our small classroom sizes further compliment the individualized attention ensuring each child’s academic success.
Our campus is an enlightened setting that provides an environment and programs for students to develop a lasting love for learning by creating incredible touch points to continuously stimulate a yearn to belong and to explore. It goes beyond retention of knowledge and works with each child to develop confidence, collaboration and communication